A lot of people are aware that nowadays blogging is a way to express themselves, share an opinion, promote something or simply want to have it for the purpose of having it. Though a huge number of people have their one or more blogs still there are people who aren't aware how to start their own blog that's why no matter how they really want to write they don't know where to start and how. Some people might say that it's really expensive to get your own domain but what they didn't know is that there are some websites who offer free hosting like the two famous sites namely
blogger and
wordpress. From these two free hosting sites or blog provider you can create a free blog site and publish it to let the world know you as a blogger who knows you might be successful and create a name in the world wide web for your blog/s. Now that you know where to create a blog site for free you have to know now what you would like to write and how you will maintain that because maintenance is important if you want to be successful in blogging. Honestly, some bloggers find it hard to write an article to their blog on a daily basis but I think at least 2 or 3 articles in a week is enough for your blog to be known but of course if you're just a new one you have to work on your blog as if you're finishing a project or report. Motivation I think is the key here specially if you want to established a good traffic to your blog in the next few months or years and one thing more you should like what you'll blog or else you will get tired of it.
But, what to blog? of course, something that interest you most like for example: fashion, intrigues, music, how to make money, places or simply about yourself. Just be precise about your topic all the time and let your reader be amaze of your work as much as possible so that they'll return again and again. A good blogger actually has a quality of good leader so it means "if you're a good leader then they'll follow you all the time".