For sure all of you are aware that the easiest way to make money online is through ptc or paid to click sites wherein it doesn't entails a lot of skills in order to understand it because you'll just click the ads and wait for a couple of 10-30 seconds and after that a few cents automatically credited to you. Although its the easiest way to earn money online there are things you must know first in order to be successful in this kind of program since not all clickers have been successful to this kind of program because most of the time they get tired of it.
My advice is don't get into this kind of earning opportunities if you're not patient enough because you might waste your time but if you're really persistent then why don't you give it a try after all there's no harm in trying though.
10 years ago
Come and see how THOUSAND of people like YOU are earning their LIVING by staying home and are living their dreams right NOW.